From Heartbreak to Healing
Heartbreak is defined as overwhelming distress. It’s a part of life. Some of us
experience many heartbreaks and heart breaking moments through the course of
our lives. The break lines are proof that we are living with love and an open
heart. Even though these are facts, it doesn’t lessen the pain when feel when our
heart is broken. Most of the time it’s time that will heal the pain. Sometimes it
take more, seeing someone, a healer, a mental health professional etc. There
are some little things that we can do during this time our heart is broken that can
let a little light shine in. I will share a little of my story, some things I did and
hopefully some things you can try. I am by no means a professional but I have
experienced heartbreak and I have healed my heart.
How I healed my broken heart? For me, my heartbreak was loss. There was
actual loss, a loss of hope
After being married for a few months, Jimmy and I were anxious to start a family.
We started trying and I was pregnant right away. We were so excited. We got
into the doctor and had our first sonogram, which at 8 weeks, was showing to be
a little smaller and less developed. This meant we were scheduled to come back
in two weeks for an update. The Sunday before that appointment, I knew
something wasn’t right. When we went to the appointment, no heartbeat, sorry
for the bad news, it’s more common than you think, just bad luck…we believed
most of these, found comfort in them and each other and moved forward with
optimistic. To keep it short, I’ll do the cliff notes for the rest..It happened two more
times. So 2018 was a year fuil of heartbreak from the losses, from the loss of
hope, the sadness in my partner. Something shifted in me, I was sad, I was tired,
I didn’t want to workout, something I had used as my stress relief for years, I
didn’t want to see anyone, yet, I have to be around and in front of people daily. I
took a little time off after the second; however, even if your heart is broken life is
still going on… For months at work, I was just going through the motions. I set
my feeling aside and showed up everyday for the people I needed to show up
for. Sometimes we have to do what is needed. I spent my time outside of work
How did I begin to heal…First, I rested when I was tired. Mentally that was hard
for me, physically I needed it. I stopped putting pressure to have to go to the gym
and I found new ways to move my body. I did yoga, and not the physical practice.
I got quiet, I self reflected. I hugged my dog..I saw a therapist. I went to
acupuncture. I talked about it. I asked for help. I let my team know I was
struggling and that I needed help. I allowed my self space to heal. I spent time
outside. I found a group of people who love working out as much maybe more
then me. A tribe. I gave myself the grace and space to heal at my pace, doing the things that would fill my heart.
If you are dealing with a heartbreak or a loss, I hope you can find the same grace for yourself. Listen to what your heart needs to heal and give yourself space and time to do those things.